I felt the need to blog just for the sake of blogging but I have nothing interesting to say. Not really. Which, oddly enough, has been the case for the past year. All of a sudden I have nothing to say and nothing to write about. I keep telling myself that I want to start working on my poetry more or start writing a short story. I have all these ideas but I never put thought to paper (or more realistically, to computer). It's rather annoying. A year and a half ago I couldn't shut up with things to say and I wrote all the time. Maybe it's because I have too many things on my mind that I can't
separate the thoughts, everything at this point is a big blur. For instance: paying off my credit cards, holding enough money for a savings, getting into a university, pursuing music, writing my own music, focusing on vocal performance, auditions for universities, looking towards a better career, my relationship with my wonderful boyfriend, my sisters wedding and me being the maid of honor with a lot to do, continuing to mend the relationship with my father, afraid to mend my relationship with my father because of fear of getting hurt again....
All of this I use to channel into writing but the focus' all came in seasons and lately it's building up. I could build a mansion with dozens of big rooms with different focus' to which my attention is at; to where it use to be just one small house and there were problems one after the other, now there are problems in bulk. Ugh....
My best friend Tanya is going to Texas for the holidays. She is leaving Saturday. This kind of saddens me, but I know she needs to spend time with family. Tanya is truly an
empowering woman. I love her.

That is all for now....
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