Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Sohpie Tess

Sophie Tess at 14 weeks
Sorry, its been such a long time since I've blogged, which has prevented me from telling the exciting news. If you haven't figured it out already, We are having a little girl! yay! Christian was a bit disappointed but I already know that this girl is going to be so spoiled! With two Godfathers and an already protective dad... I hope that just makes me a cool mom. Christian and his best friend Cam are already practicing that scene from Bad Boys II where Will Smith's character finds Martin Lawrence's characters daughter going out on a date so they bully the boy a bit. But I suppose she'll need a bit of protection. If she's anything like her dad she'll be gorgeous. Blue eyes brown hair... I can't wait to meet her.
A week ago I felt her kick me for the first time! It was very exciting. We were on our way home from Disneyland and I just ate a piece of a delicious chocolate fudge cookie. I guess she must have liked it. Currently I am 18 1/2 weeks pregnant. And anxious to see her again. I have a check up a week from today, so I hope I get to see her again and see her little heartbeat. It's so weird. If I stay really still I swear I can feel it internally.
For now, I am enjoying the slow resolve of all the time morning sickness and her little movements that feel like butterflies in my belly. :)

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